Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Feminism has not gone too far!

When researching this topic, I came across an article called "Feminism gone too far in Canada". The author Erin Cardone, opens up with talking about a bumper sticker she saw previously saying "Feminism is the radical notion that women are in fact people". She then expresses how she got thinking about it, and came across many reasons why feminism in Canada has indeed gone too far.

Mullaly (2007, pg. 37) states that even though there is various forms of feminism, all criticize the suppression of women. Feminist believe that almost every social system is patriarchal, and that masculine roles are dominant and valued while feminine roles are secondary and devalued. Models of welfare reflect a male bread winner, a female bread maker, and a dependant family which feminists see a major issue with (Ward and Belanger, 2006, p. 381). It is clear after being in class, that all main stream ideologies were constructed by men and feminism is the view that is driven by changing that.

I believe that feminism has brought about a very good point in society. It has changed policies in the right direction for example, they have helped in establishing social services that are by women for women like clinics and also counselling services. They have also drawn a large amount of attention to things like rape, domestic violence, sexuality and productive technologies (Mullaly, 2007, p.167). As for Cardone and her view on present feminism, I see that as an insult to what feminists have done for women in this society. Rather than critiquing these activists, we should be embracing what they are doing and what they have done for us. I understand that changes have been made, but there is still a ways to go in the aspect of equality and they are trying to do just that.

Jenn S


Mullaly, B. (2007). The New Structural Social Work. Canada: Oxford University  Press

Ward, M., Belanger, M. (2006). The Family Dynamic: A Canadian Perspective. Toronto, Ontario: Nelson Education Ltd.

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